
Who We Are

Real Estate PPT is a fast-growing real estate consultant and service agency with the sole vision of bringing sanity into the property buying and selling processes in Nigeria. Our approach is simple; beyond connecting property buyers and sellers, we facilitate seamless transaction processes by eliminating stresses often associated with property transfer in Nigeria.

We’re a research-oriented company that is well-rooted in market research, customer analysis and property assessment that guarantee safety and peace of mind while dealing with real estate in Nigeria. It’s less of what we say about ourselves and more of how our customers perceive us. See what other customers like you have to say about us. 

Our Vision

To see a new Nigeria where every property buyer and seller can transact without fears of scam, government acquisition or endless physical, legal, and financial battles associated with Nigerian real estate.

Our Vision

To serve as a trusted connection between real estate property buyers and sellers in creating seamless transactions that foster trust, safety, and peace of mind through intensive research and rigorous scrutiny of every property transacted through us.

Properties Sold
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Satisfied Clients
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Available Properties
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Partnering Companies
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Aiming to Be the Best

We Deliver Measurable Results

Our founder accompanied his uncle to his new land to oversee the construction of the house foundation in a developing area of one of the Nigerian biggest cities. Barely had the workers excavated the land when three motorcycles trooped in with nine cutlass-weaving men in total. They questioned who gave us the permission to start work.

Despite showing the evidence of ownership and the go-ahead from the Ministry of Land and Housing, they insisted all works must be stopped. All attempts to plead with them proved abortive as they dismantled the brick, wasted the cement, and eventually pursued the workers. Our founder watched helplessly as his uncle shed bitter tears. They returned to the land seller, and it turned out that he had sold the same pieces of land to over six people. To cut a long story short, the land was hijacked with all investment down the drain.

That event birthed the urge to rectify this abnormality in the Nigerian real estate in our founder. Knowing that he needed much more than vesting bottled anger, he pursued a career in real estate management.


Yinka Adepoju CEO Real Estate PPT and Services Company Ltd

After five years of being a branch manager to one of the Nigerian top real estate companies, he still sees huge gaps to fill. Rather than whine and complain like hundreds of others, he decided to spearhead the change he has always wanted to see in the Nigerian real estate industry. Thus, the creation of Real Estate PPT.

Our Core Value


Scam and illegal properties have made have made people to lose interest in anything related to real estate investment in Nigeria, particularly Nigerians in the diaspora who cannot be physically present to manage the transaction processes. We want to redefine your perception by ensuring you do not experience any of these concerns.


The cost of buying, developing, or renovating a property in Nigeria is already on the high side. While we want to make financial gains from our business, we have no interest in milking our customers dry. We understand that saving to invest in property takes a lot of effort; our goal is to make it easy for you as much as possible.


From market research to the assessment of our partnering real estate companies, industry knowledge, to legal backings, you can rest assured that we will always get your back all through every stage. Moreover, we are fully registered and have the certificate to operate in Nigeria. Additionally, you can check our portfolio to see.


Fake documents, wrong allocations, undisclosed legal tussles are all synonymous with real estate in Nigeria. However, at Real Estate, we have distinguished ourselves as a silver lining in a dark cloud. All our processes are backed with genuine documents. You can verify it wherever you want. We distance ourselves from shady deals.


At Real Estate PPT, we strongly believe in quality real estate services, from market research to site inspection, allocation to documentation. Also, as a new generation real estate consultant, we’re massively invested in technology that allows automation and enables us to do everything in excellence.


Dealing in properties in Nigeria is hardly a smooth ride, even with the most experienced real estate agents and consultants at the helm of affairs. While we want to give our clients the most seamless experience, we cannot overlook possible challenges. However, you can trust us for clear, fair, and standardized practices.

Out of 5

Best Real Estate Consultant Ever

It has always been my lifelong dream to invest in real estate in Nigeria after living in the United Kingdom for 10 years. However, I am aware of all the issues and stress that comes with buying properties in Nigeria. I decided to give Real Estate PPT a shot after a friend referred them to me and since then I have fallen in love with their competence, professionalism and customer services. Real Estate PPT is our go-to company when it comes to land, home and investment.

Catherine Adeola

What We're Not

  • We know you are itching to know who we are, the face behind our brand, core values, and what we do. However, we felt it’s imperative to tell you what we are not first. 
  • Real Estate PPT is NOT another real estate listing site that is only interested in featuring individuals and organizations that offer the highest pay with no customers’ interests at heart.
  • We are NOT a typical Nigerian real estate agent that only sources for property buyers and sellers connect them and exits after connecting his cut. Whatever happens next is none of their business. 
  • Lastly, we are NOT impostors who pose as real estate consultants with close to nothing industry experience of how Nigerian real estate works. We combine streetwiseness, professional certifications, and industry knowledge that qualify us as certified real estate consultants in Nigeria.